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Fri, 01 Jul 2011
The End of the 2010 Vintage
For me, the vintage is effectively over now. Okay, it's not really -- others will be processing
Touriga Nacional for a port-style wine later in the week, though sadly I won't be able to join in.
All of the wines I've been involved in making our now in barrel, and the chardonnay juice is now
in the freezer and waiting for another group later in the year to make it into wine.

I thought I'd share a few photos I've taken during the vintage period, and meant to post, though.
Here is a very small Potter fermenter. We didn't end up using this, but I couldn't help wondering how
long it takes a baby Potter fermenter to grow up to be big like the ones in the background:

Also, I liked this baby airbag press:

Well, I've not been all that great at blogging this vintage. I'll continue to post bits and pieces as
they happen, though.
posted at: 01:50 | path: /wine/oenology_diploma |
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