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Fri, 01 Jul 2011
The End of the 2010 Vintage
For me, the vintage is effectively over now. Okay, it's not really -- others will be processing
Touriga Nacional for a port-style wine later in the week, though sadly I won't be able to join in.
All of the wines I've been involved in making our now in barrel, and the chardonnay juice is now
in the freezer and waiting for another group later in the year to make it into wine.

I thought I'd share a few photos I've taken during the vintage period, and meant to post, though.
Here is a very small Potter fermenter. We didn't end up using this, but I couldn't help wondering how
long it takes a baby Potter fermenter to grow up to be big like the ones in the background:

Also, I liked this baby airbag press:

Well, I've not been all that great at blogging this vintage. I'll continue to post bits and pieces as
they happen, though.
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Pressing Adelaide Hills Chardonnay
Almost a month without a weblog post. Not that there's been nothing to write
about, rather there has been too much and hence no time. Oh well.
Today I helped press some Adelaide Hills Chardonnay. I'm not going to be
making this into wine, other students will do that later in the year. I benefited
from this myself late last year, when I was able to use juice pressed by
earlier students to make some white wine with another group in second semester --
a useful introduction to winemaking.
My group was the first to press today, starting at 7 am. I don't often go for walks
at 6 am, as I did this morning to get to the bus, but I always I enjoy it when I do.
The sky was just lightening enough to differentiate from the still dark land,
and dark clouds were breaking up to show patches of lighter sky. There is a poetry
to this time of morning which is quite unique. Certainly, it was a beautiful
walk, and I was just sad I had to hurry to catch the bus.
Two groups pressed at the same time. We wanted to whole bunch press, but the grapes
had been machine harvested so few were still in bunches. We did not use the crusher
destemmer, though, so we sort of whole berry pressed I guess you could say.
Grapes being poured into the press
We used an airbag press, which can be less oxidative if used in conjuction with
sulfur dioxide. Our group processed our fruit oxidatively (no sulfur dioxide at press, though
we added some afterwards to protect against spoilage), the other did theirs
reductively. It was interesting to see the differences.
What else? Oh, yes, as the grapes were machine harvested there was a certain
amount of "matter other than grapes" (MOG). I can predict that this wine would pair
well with escargot:

Snail shell in with the grape marc
Well, the early start is really starting to have an effect on me. I think I'll be having
an early night tonight. Anyone I've sent emails to tonight -- I've probably made
some really stupid mistakes due to being half asleep! It's not a good idea
to start emailing people when you're not really awake, I guess.
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Picking the 2010 Waite Shiraz
I helped out with picking the Shiraz (aka Syrah) allocated to my group from
the Coombe vineyard on the Waite Campus today. We started picking at about
6:30, and I carried on until 10:00 when I had a lecture I had to attend.
Others carried on until all our three and a half rows were picked, and
we had around a tonne of fruit.
The fun part of this for me getting up at 5 am. It's something I can do
if I have to, but I certainly don't enjoy it. It was worth it, though, once
I got out into the vineyard.
South Australia has experienced a really hot year this year -- again -- and
this was particularly evident from seeing how some of the grapes were
shrivelled on the vine. Here is the worst example I found:
... but that was the exception rather than the rule. More common were
bunches where a percentage were burnt, and the rest were fine:
As the burnt grapes will be removed by the crusher-destemmer, we were told it
was fine to include them with the picked grapes.
Also, we can haz tractor! Luckily for everybody, I wasn't allowed to drive it ;-)
Next week sometime, we'll pick the Mataró. I've got so many classes next
week, I'm not certain I'll manage to do much towards that, which is a shame. I'm not
the fastest picker by a long way, so I doubt it'll make much difference to how quickly
the grapes are picked, but (in short stretches) it's an interesting thing to try.
Next challenge: actually making this into wine.
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Blogging winemaking
At the moment, I'm part of the way through a Graduate Diploma in
Oenology at the University of Adelaide. I haven't written much about it here,
but one of my plans for this year is to start blogging about it. This next semester is
my second and final semester, and I'll be making red wine as part of one of my courses.
I'll try and blog about that, and anything else of interest, here.
Should make a change from the sound of crickets chirping here. And it'll give me
an excuse to get some more practice at writing...
posted at: 01:50 | path: /wine/oenology_diploma |
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Waiting for Grapes
The first exciting installment of the semester. We've all gone down to the
university's vineyards, and seen the grapes available. My group has
three rows of Syrah and half a row of Mourvèdre.
It's been pretty hot in Adelaide this summer, so
they're already ready in terms of pH, titratable
acidity and brix/baumé (sugar levels). Sadly, they're
not yet ready in terms of
taste, they still taste green.
It's becoming an increasing problem in
Australia with the hot weather, and the only solution seems to be
to wait until they achieve full physiological ripeness and then acidifying
to make up for any lack of acid.
In any case, we'll have to pick soon, as the weather starts to get
hot from Friday, with Friday, Saturday and Sunday predicted to
be 37°C, and Monday 38°C. Pre-cooked grapes is not what
we want.
posted at: 01:50 | path: /wine/oenology_diploma |
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